Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Just thinking

I now know that there are some who are reading my blog and now I feel an overwhelming desire to please. I have been thinking about the process of writing and have determined that the best thing about each of us is the ability to create art. In any form the concept of art is the very essence of our existance as humans. When God created man in his image one of the things that I believe is that he made us with the ability to discern right and wrong and furthermore to create. One might say that if you give an elephant a paint brush it will make broad strokes on a canvas and it would fetch more money at auction than my 3rd grade crayon drawing of a dinosaur. To that I say the elephant is doing as it was trained where as a person actually feels the desire to communicate an image or story in the very core of their being. Art can take the form of painting, sculpture, music... anything. The best of all creation is man and the infinite possibilities that lie within.

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