Monday, January 29, 2007

music of the four seasons

I find that at certain times of the year I prefer different kinds of music... In the summer I enjoy hard rock, classic rock, country, and some hip hop, In the fall I enjoy a softer indie rock sound as it gets colder. A more meloncholy mix of music with grunge, indie, and slower softer music. In the spring I like a little inspirational, some 90's rock, and 80's pop music.
I don't know if this is a normal phenomenon but I would be interested to hear what anyone else thinks. It seems as if my life requires a soundtrack, could this be the influence of watching television far too much, or the onset of Seasonal Affective Disorder... I'm a fairly balanced individual but is this how my range of feelings are manifest in life? Please comment...

I am a fan of Family Guy, like it or not

New blog, bigger better, incoherent...

I don't know what I will choose to write about but I do know that I didn't like my old blog so I aborted it. It's okay it was being neglected and it was better to put it out of it's misery. Hmm, Misery???? I need to watch that movie. Anyway,
The wife and I went to Boise this weekend to help out a friend I work with and to help myself to some used truck parts for my S-10. There is a floor installer that rents space in the warehouse I work in and he needed some flooring to go to Boise where lies a truck that bore the parts I desired. Since Boise is a seven hour drive from P-town I asked my wife to join me on a road trip. She did... As far as road trips go it was conciderably nicer than others have been. No stolen items, no broken windows, no vehicle trouble, and no unexpected detours.
One thing I would have liked to do was go to Zoo Boise... But the truck took a little more time than I would have liked and the zoo closed at 5pm. So we stuck around my friend's sister's house where the truck resides and conversed a little while. The strange part was how hospitable these people were to complete strangers. My wife, having little to do while I scavenged the vehicle outside went inside and soon left with the rest of the women departing for Costco. It was interesting how in a matter of minutes these strangers were like a family to us, they fed us and offered tours of Boise. I think there is something wrong with people that live in the big city. There is something to be said for the hospitality of country folk, but I don't know what to say...
-More Later...